I was in Chicago on the 10th of this month to watch President Obama's farewell. I'm in a unique group of people in America who can say I approve of him more now than I did in 2008. I've worked against Barack Obama several times. I worked for him a couple of times too. Today I can say with great confidence that he is one of the most extraordinary human beings with whom my life has even briefly overlapped. I can offer no greater compliment than to say I respect him.
Of course, not everyone who calls themselves a progressive, liberal, moderate, or Democrat shares my affinity for the 44th President of the United States. Maybe they've read too much Glenn Greenwald and the Intercept, maybe they've convinced themselves that the country is much further left than it is, or maybe they just need to be angry, but there is a left-wing that has re-written the Presidency of Barack Obama as some sort of progressive failure. Despite his pushing a historic health care law through that Presidents failed to pass for close to a century, they see his gaining health insurance for 21 million people as a failure. Despite record investments in alternative and green energy, as well as a multi-national agreement in Paris and a bilateral agreement with China to fight climate change, they blame him for the inability of Congress to pass greater legislation on the matter. Despite a historic nuclear agreement with Iran, normalizing relations with Cuba, and greatly winding down the eye-sore that is Guantanamo Bay, they call him a "warmonger" and other derogatory terms, because we are not completely out of the Middle East, and we used drones. Of course, the man who lead us back from the Great Depression and created a Consumer Protection Bureau is also an enemy to the Middle Class because he didn't oppose free trade, in all forms.
Well, now you have Donald Trump. You have his Muslim ban. You have his efforts to silence scientists at the Department of Agriculture, the EPA, the energy department, and across the government. You have his Education Secretary who wants to end public education. You have his plan to build a wall on our Southern border. You have his empowering of a "white nationalist" on his National Security Council, one who told the media to shut up this past week. You have a President who basically ran all the senior management career servants of the Department of State out of town. You have a man that is being condemned the world over for potentially causing both military and trade wars. You have a man at war on Twitter with the press, agents of the National Park Service, and SNL.
So, tell me again, how disappointed were you with President Obama?
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