Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Man-Child Who Was Handed Everything in Life, Rises to Power

The picture above is Donald Trump's driver's license. Donald Trump likes to say he is 6'3", which is pretty tall. In fact, his official driver's license says he is 6'2", which is really not at all significantly shorter, but apparently it really bothers him. A man who is bothered by an inch on his height is ten days from becoming the President of the United States.

Welcome to the bizarre world our country is entering. Nearly 63 million people voted to give the nuclear codes to a man who goes on Twitter each morning and basically trash talks his target of the day. Yesterday it was Meryl Streep, many times an award winning actress, who Donald Trump called "overrated" because she dared attack him in her Golden Globes award speech. It has been Saturday Night Live in the recent past, for doing the same comedy they've done about every recent Presidential nominee (let alone winner). He made fun of Arnold Schwarzenegger for lower ratings than he had on "The Apprentice." He used Twitter to attack "his enemies" in his Happy New Year tweet. This is nothing short of an out-of-control man-child being let loose on Twitter. Again, 63 million people voted for this.

All of this is, of course, a distraction from much more serious things that Donald Trump doesn't really want to discuss. He has fired all Ambassadors and Special Envoys as of the 20th at noon, an extraordinary and unusual step for White Houses to take. He has sent a bunch of cabinet appointments up to the Senate that have incomplete background checks, haven't answered Senate questions, and haven't undergone ethics reviews. He is hiring his son-in-law as a senior adviser, a clear violation of at least the spirit of anti-nepotism laws, even though there appears to be nothing anyone can do about it. His major campaign promise, building a wall on the Mexican border and making Mexico pay for it, is still alive, but now he's asking the public to pay for it. He continues to deny the findings of the U.S. Intelligence Community that Vladimir Putin and Russia were responsible for hacks at the DNC that helped Trump during the election, and appears poised to give Putin what he wants- control of Crimea and Syria, and an ending to sanctions on him and his government. Oh, and he is ready to sign a repeal to the Affordable Care Act, and possibly Medicare, which would take away the health care of at least 20 million people. I guess with that kind of an agenda, I would want to talk about the Terminator and Meryl Streep too.

Donald Trump is fooling some ignorant working-class folks with talk about stopping Toyota from building a plant in Mexico (I'm not even sure why he feels he's relevant to that conversation), when in reality he couldn't be more out of touch from those working-class folks. Donald Trump, like many inheritors of large fortunes, is a man-child. He was handed his success, and really coasted on that. He's bankrupt casinos for God's sake, let alone stakes, colleges, and everything else. He likes to talk about the "small one million dollar lone" his father gave him to start his business, which of course was really a lot more, and of course isn't a "small" loan anyway. Trump was handed everything he made, and frankly wasn't even that good at that.

In keeping with the spirit of the privileged and born wealthy crowd, Trump is a petulant man-child. If you don't put your lips on his rear-end, he takes to Twitter to attack you and gain the adoring praise of his fan base. He is, at his core, an inadequate rich man, one who could market his way to the Presidency (a talent that must be acknowledged), but knows inside he is over-matched in his new role. We are handing this silver-spoon born man the Presidency. I'd be terrified if I were you.

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