Monday, January 2, 2017

How I Celebrated New Year's 2017

Here's the good news- almost nothing really happened to me for New Year's 2017, and that already makes 2017 better than 2016. I didn't just lay in bed though, I did do some things, and they were fun.

  • Last night I went to Drinky's to celebrate the New Year, and it's closing. I also went into Pearly Baker's and had a beer there too. It was a lot of fun. I saw a lot of old wrestling teammates, some people I grew up with, and some other people I hadn't seen in a while. It was a bittersweet night. I celebrated my 21st birthday at Drinky's, a few years ago, and now the bar is closed down to be renovated into a music venue. Hopefully they do it justice.
  • Today I watched the Eagles beat the Cowboys. The game means nothing, and a lot of reserves played, but it's still nice to finish the season with a divisional win. I'll have more to say about the Eagles, this week.
  • I watched funny snapchats from my friends. My friend Laura kept me updated on some "Beer Olympics" going on down in the Carolinas. My friend Ashley kept me updated on good desserts. Lots of you kept me updated on how drunk you were through your stories from last night. Good times, friends.
  • We had dinner to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday. Him turning 60 doesn't even seem real to me, but it does make me feel old and somewhat unaccomplished (depending on how I look at it, i'm either wildly more successful than my parents or wildly less). His sister and brother joined us, as did some friends of the family, and it was really nice. 
  • I spent time reading about the Fall of the Roman Empire. No, really.
  • I started this blog up. Enjoy!

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