Donald Trump is an idiot, and he doesn't even know it. He's hardly the first President who didn't realize how dumb he is, and he almost certainly won't be the last. He's a puppet for many people, from Republicans on the Hill and Grover Norquist, who just need any idiot with hands to sign their legislation, to Putin and Russia, who clearly have this guy over a barrel for whatever reason. He's no one's puppet more though than the cast of awful characters in his White House, most notably Steve Bannon.
Bannon was a leader in what we called the #AltRight before this, editing at Breitbart, and like Trump, taking shots at basically everyone leading both parties in Washington. He was a bomb-thrower in the political world, not someone that say, Speaker Ryan would like. He's pretty much an open white nationalist, having no use for diversity or really anything that doesn't fit into his narrow definition of "traditional America." He, in many ways, is the kindred spirit for Trump, but far smarter than the imbecile President.
We haven't had an open white nationalist this close to a President in a long time, and that actually should be even more alarming to you than his son-in-law Jared Kushner, the rambling Kellyanne Conway, or the useless Reince Priebus being around the President. All of them are awful characters. What they represent though are normal loathsome political behavior. Bannon represents something far worse.
Bannon is undoubtedly at the center of all the chaos in this administration. He openly has said in the past that his goal is to destroy Washington, and to destroy the establishment. It's been said he was behind the Muslim Ban Executive Order that Trump put out. He's now slated to be on the National Security Council. He has direct access to the President, and the ability to influence his mind. From what I can tell, the only person with rivaling influence over Trump, besides perhaps his daughter, is her husband, Kushner. Bannon has told the media to "shut up" this week, and is showing some serious authoritarian tendencies in his actions. In the chaotic world we seem to be in, Bannon feels like the eye of the storm. He is the bad guy to watch.
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